Zune Hd - The hereafter of Entertainment Has Arrived!
With the latest Zune release Microsoft has successfully combined cloud computing with digital media to bring us the future of entertainment. While Apple is still manufacture iPods with larger capacities, Microsoft "gets it" that the size of the hard drive no longer matters. What matters is the quality to passage any song or movie, anytime from anyplace. And that's the promise on which Zune delivers.
Zune and Cloud Computing
In order to fully grasp this concept, we must first understand what cloud computing is. I've adapted the following definition of cloud computing from SearchCloudComputing.com by abbreviating it and modifying it for simplicity. Brace yourself; this is going to get geeky...
"Cloud computing is a normal term for whatever that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. A cloud assistance is sold on demand, a user can have as much or as slight of it as they want; and the buyer needs nothing but a personal computer [or device] and internet passage to use the service."
Sorry, I know that was dry, but necessary. No more geek-speak, I promise!
Applying this definition in the context of Zune, we see that the hosted assistance is the Zune Marketplace - with over 6 million songs, music videos, and podcasts and now with both approved and high definition movies.
You can passage any of this article on demand. For .99 a month, the Zune pass allows passage to an all-you-can-eat music buffet. The quality to keep 10 mp3s at the end of the month makes the Zune pass the best music subscription assistance on the market today. You can also buy or rent movies. passage as much or as slight of these goodies as you like. You only need...
...access to the internet and a "device". The device can be whether a brand, spanking new Zune Hd or a Pc or an Hdtv. In the future we can fantasize this device spectrum to include the Xbox 360 and Windows movable phones.
Throw all of these ingredients together and you have one tasty entertainment salad!
Entertainment of the Future
Zune is shaping up to be a true entertainment platform - including games. The two new games added to the Zune Marketplace (chess, goo splat) are nice. But reconsider them a preview of what's to come. There are rumors of 3D games on the Zune Hd in the not so distant future. ultimately you can fantasize the quality to play the same game at home on your Xbox 360 or on the go on your Zune Hd.
Now it becomes truly interesting. If you are Apple, entertainment is all about allowing the buyer to buy article from their iTunes store, download it to a Pc or Mac and then change it to an iPod device. The buck stops there. But for Zune, the fun's just beginning.
With Zune, you can truly buy music and videos from the Zune Marketplace and sync it to your Zune Hd. But that's oh so 2008. Here are a few more ways you can enjoy your music and movies - "your way" - 2009 style.
A quick note - the scenarios below assume you have a Zune pass. And there is just no excuse not to [have a Zune pass].
The Zune Hd comes with built in Wi-Fi - you can use it to stream unlimited music from the Zune Marketplace directly to your Zune Hd. Suddenly hard drive size is no longer relevant.
Zune takes the Pandora internet radio assistance one step further with "Smart Dj". It creates a practice playlist for you based off of an artist of your selection from the millions of songs from the Zune Marketplace. discover the radio hub of the future - with only songs and no ads.
If you don't have your Zune Hd handy, you still can passage your music. You can stream unlimited music from the Zune Marketplace to a web browser - anywhere in the world. This is an excellent application of cloud computing in the real world.
Services like Netflix are going to come to be a thing of the past. You no longer need to wait for a Dvd in the mail. Instead, you can rent (or buy) whether approved or high definition movies from the Zune marketplace. Then you can watch them in hi-def on your Zune Hd or on a Pc. Or hook up your Zune Hd to your Hdtv and watch the same movie in hi-def on a big screen. A Blu-ray Dvd player is no longer required to enjoy Hd movies at home. (Netflix sees this trend and is adapting by focusing more on streaming article directly to your home over the internet.)
If you are looking for a Dj to hire for your next party, try "Smart Dj". You can have him stream unlimited music from the Zune Marketplace over your home network to your Xbox 360. All you have to do is hook it up to your home theater principles and get the party started. And the best part is that smart Dj is free.
The built-in Hd radio tuner in the Zune Hd unlocks passage to Cd quality Fm stations. If you like a song, just tag it and then download it from the Zune Marketplace for free. Then share it with a friend using the Zune's sharing feature.
And advent soon, you will be able stream Hd movies from the Zune Marketplace directly to your Xbox 360 and watch them on your Hdtv.
These are some ideas to get your started enjoying your media, "your way". You can't do this with an iPod.
In 2009, Microsoft has moved beyond head to head competition with Apple. While the Zune Hd is a gorgeous device, very comparable to the iPod Touch, the services are where Microsoft has truly changed the game. With the Zune Marketplace paired with a Zune pass, the addition of Hd article and the release of the sexy Zune Hd device, Microsoft has given us a view of the future of digital entertainment.
And I'm ready for it! Are you?
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