hereafter Trends of High Definition Dvd Players
Consumers too are becoming more demanding. The trend of watching movies at home is picking up worldwide. This is a factor driving the home theater sales up. Home theater systems are continually evolving with one constant factor; the manufacturers are never article with what they have achieved. This augurs well for the future of high definition Dvd players.
The rapid pace of technology has seen us graduate from the Vhs to laser disc, and then ultimately to the Dvd. Dvds are convenient and affordable, offering ability output. It is marvelous how these small pieces of plastic have revolutionized the home theater market. One thing to be noted here is that even with your newest high definition Dvd player, you watch movies which have been encoded on accepted Dvds, which leaves scope for further improvement. What we mean to say is the next logical step would be the development of high definition Dvds or Hds as they are termed.
Hd Dvds
Industry analysts already see the store being ripe for the introduction of these Hd Dvds, which could become the accepted for home video. Someone else thing that the high definition Dvd players have done is to drive the high definition Tv market. After all, that is where you are going to view your popular flicks. The displays as they are known are already there. You have a plasma, rear projection, Lcd, front projection, and what not. What is needed is the Hd, with the article encoded in it for lighting up the eager pixels of these high definition television sets.
Hd article is already available in the form of the D-Vhs. But it is based on an awkward tape format, which requires costly hardware and software. Moreover, the whole theory is under-supported. What we want is an Hd video disc, with all the convenience of a Dvd, plus higher ability image output. Technical geeks are already working on the view and it won't be long for us to watch the newest blockbusters on our high definition Dvd players with Hds.
The Battle
In fact, many attempts have already been made to come out with the ultimate home theater Hd. Microsoft is attempting it with its Windows Media 9, which allows for the compression of an Hd movie into a regular Dvd. A small handful of movies were released in this format. Terminator 2, for instance, was the preeminent among them. Since the hardware requirements are costly and not mass produced, we are still waiting for the real Hd disc.
Sony is also on track with its Blu-ray, an Hd format, which uses a new form of high density and capacity storehouse disc. Similarly, Toshiba and Nec have been doing ground breaking work on Hd Dvds. Several other prominent players are also attempting the same. Commerce experts feel that commercially available Hd would be a real possibility by the end of 2006.
The trends are the similar in most parts of the world. In Asia, you have China, probably the largest producer of Dvd players in the world, arrival out with things like Enhanced Video Discs (Evd) and High Clearness Video Discs (Hvd).
Not to be left behind, neighboring country Taiwan has also come up with something known as forward Versatile Discs (Fvd). But these products are most likely to play local article like Chinese movies, at least in the near future. Not deterred by criticism, the Chinese and the Taiwanese have already come out with products like 'Shinco Evd-8830' and 'Skyworth Hvd - 3050,' which are region free Dvd players, apart from being capable of playing Hds.
Another thing with these Chinese products is that like most of the Chinese products, they too come cheap. You can get them for prices as low as 0. For those of you who are on the look out for an Hd player in the immediate future, you can go in for these players. Even if you are not able to get Hds to play on them, no problem, as these players would play your Dvds anyway.
Future of Movies
Future trends in high definition Dvd player markets clearly show towards digital video overtaking film. This is a real possibility with advancing Dvd technology. In fact, it could be said that the process has already been started. George Lucas shot his new Star Wars film, part 2, with a high definition digital video camera. Rapid expand is being made in the fields of video resolution and digital angle capabilities to make the 'digital dream' a real possibility, in the not so far away future. So folks, be ready, you will finally watch blockbusters at a local theater near you, straight through digital video projections.
The film Commerce as such has been impacted by the expanding presence of the digital video. Digital video is already enabling even amateurs to make films. You can, for instance, shoot using a Dv camcorder and then do what is called a film transfer. As you see the trends are already tangible. The most conspicuous among them are the recordable Dvd which is moderately becoming as common as the Vhs.
With home theater systems constantly evolving, your Dvd sound and picture ability can already rival or even exceed your local movie theater's standards. The Dvd revolution has already made a vital impact on the cable and satellite television industry. In order to match up with the classic ability of digital video, they too are bracing up with digital modes of telecasting your popular soap operas.
With increased competition from home theater systems, television channels have to upgrade constantly their technology to woo back viewers, who have been drawn away by digital video. Movies are also exhibiting the same trend, with habitancy preferring to watch them from the relieve of their homes. Movie makers and studios are realizing this and are trying to push the limits of technology, to come out with more and more innovations to lure back lost audiences.
The future of high definition Dvd players, therefore, points to further features apart from greater audio and video output. The future, if one may say so, is already halfway here in the case of Dvd players.
Dvd Players and recorders of all kinds together with High definition, region free / codefree and upscaling players are available at They ship worldwide and specialize in 110-220 volt electronics of all kinds as well.
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